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What is Chair Massage??

Chair massage is a fun new way to show your staff or
customers appreciation for their hard work and dedication to your company.

Seated massages are done on top of clothes in a standard
massage chair that is adjustable to support any body type. 10/15 minute massage
sessions are a quick way to recharge and de-stress the body.

Therapist come ready to work when you and your staff are ready to relax or deserve a reward.

With the short 10/15 minute sessions, you don't get tired out like and hour long session, but instead it rejuvinates and recharges the body.

Massage is focused on major tension areas. Head, Neck,
Shoulders and Low back.

Give the gift of stress relief to yourself and employees.

Everyone loves and needs massage. But for some reason or
another can't find the time to go in and treat their self to a table massage.

Call Today to reserve a date that fits your office's schedule.

In Health,

~Traveling Chairs